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Where and When

Gaziantep University - April 4-7, 2019

I have submitted only abstract and when should I submit Full Paper Now?
You can submit full paper by Marc 1, 2019. After this deadline, no change of any kind is allowed. 

My university needs more time to approve my application. What should I do?
You need to let us know approximate time of approval.  We treat the issue case by case. In any case, we cannot wait after the deadline for conference registration date.

I have published full paper and can I change to abstract only in the proceedings?
Yes, you can. But you must inform by 15 October 2017. 

Can I publish in your journal without coming to the conference?
If your paper is accepted by a journal, you can publish your paper without coming to the conference but the fees will be different to that stated in the fee schedule. T

Can I select the journal? I have sent abstract but I want to know the name of the journal for my paper.
Authors are not allowed to select the journal.  The reviewers and the editor will determine the suitability of your paper for a particular journal.  You must send full paper to know whether your paper is publishable in a journal. No feedback or journal selection can be done only on the basis of abstract.  We suggest you to send us full paper by April 15, 2019. You can also send us full paper after the conference to know the acceptance by any of our journals.


How long will it take to publish my paper in the congress book?
We  publish congress book in in two months just after congress. 

Can I publish my paper in other journal after it is included in the conference proceedings?
Yes. You can publish your paper anywhere even if your paper is included in the proceedings. We suggest you to publish only abstract in the proceedings in such cases.

When will I get draft conference program?
We will send you draft conference program showing all papers and authors 1 week before the commencement of the conference.

What Special Benefits you offer. Other Don’t?
We provide written feedback about your paper and almost no other conference organizer does what we would do for you.  We provide assistance  to improve and revise your paper,  no conference organizer does the way we do. We assist to you to increase your publication and research output. No other organizer does like us. Our conference does not involve just paper presentation and we provide written and very helpful feedback.

I have no Credit card. Can I  Pay cash on arrival?
Yes, you can pay cash on arrival. But you need to send us a scanned copy of your  Visa, confirmed air-ticket  by October 2017 to include you in the program.

Do your book have ISSN or ISBN ?
All of our congress books have ISSN  or ISBN 

 Do you provide hard copy proceedings?
 No, our proceedings is available online only via

I want to book hotel through you and can you help me?  Do you have any special room rate for the hotel in which the conference is being held?
Yes We have a special rate for hotel. You can contact with us. 

Can you assist with visa? Can you provide me financial assistance?
We do not provide any assistance for visa or sponsorship. We do not provide any kind of visa assistance other than sending you invitation letter

My coauthor is attending the conference?  How much s/he needs to pay? Can I pay for him/her as guest ?
Coauthor doesn't need to pay any money.

Can I register for a day only?
We do not allow day registration.  You need to pay full registration fee but you can stay a day.

Can I bring my guest or children?
Yes, you can bring them 

Will my paper be published in the refereed proceedings with ISBN ?
Yes, your paper will be published in the proceedings with ISBN if you indicate your choice in the registration form.

I have sent you Registration form but no payment. I promised that I will pay you on arrival. But I have not attended your conference despite my promise. What penalty I will have to pay?
If you make such written commitment, you must pay regardless of your presence or absence in the conference since we have paid for your food, conference materials and printed documents, apart from editing and uploading your paper to the conference proceedings. All these cost money and you cannot compel us to bear such loss. If you fail to pay, the matter will be raised to your department and university to send us payment. Moreover, your paper will be deleted from the conference proceedings and you will not be allowed to join any of our conferences worldwide and none of your paper will be published in our journal. We strongly recommend you not to make any commitment of payment if you cannot come and cannot make payment.
We would appreciate your cooperation in this regard.

Please feel free to ask all about symposium via

Ege Kongreleri

Uluslararası Ege Kongreleri

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